WediaCorp Success : Nationwide Theatrical Release of the Movie 'Assassin' in Turkey

WediaCorp Success : Nationwide Theatrical Release of the Movie 'The Collective' in Turkey
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CLICK FOR WEDIASECURITYWediaCorp Success : Nationwide Theatrical Release of the Movie 'Assassin' in Turkey
WediaCorp Success : Nationwide Theatrical Release of the Movie 'The Collective' in Turkey
WediaCorp is a company operating in Turkey, and it is the first Turkish Multi-Channel Network that is listed among the YouTube service providers, representing content owners digitally and on YouTube. It was founded in 2014.
Originally, the company was an official partner of YouTube, Google, Dailymotion, Facebook. However, due to digital transformation and new demands, it has evolved into a professional digital strategy agency providing 360-degree data-driven services for all social media platforms.
WediaCorp offers various services in areas such as YouTube channel management, video licensing, digital reputation management, social media management, advertising planning, and content security. It possesses six content management systems, each specialized in different sectors, allowing it to offer professional services tailored to the needs of various industries.