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Wedia Mag

Berfin Çakınlar

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Let’s Change
YouTube Unveils Innovative AI-Powered Tools to Elevate Content Creation

YouTube Unveils Innovative AI-Powered Tools to Elevate Content Creation

In a groundbreaking revelation, YouTube has introduced a set of revolutionary AI-driven tools poised to transform the world of content creation. These cutting-edge tools are set to debut within the next year, offering creators the ability to supercharge their content with captivating videos and images.   The grand unveiling took place at the highly anticipated […]

WediaCorp’tan Muazzam Başarı: Bodrum Türk Filmleri Haftası’nda Parladı

WediaCorp’tan Muazzam Başarı: Bodrum Türk Filmleri Haftası’nda Parladı

Bodrum Sinema ve Kültür Derneği, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi ve Bodrum Belediyesi’nin güçlü desteğiyle gerçekleşen 11. Bodrum Türk Filmleri Haftası (BOTH), sinemaseverlerle dolu bir haftaya imza attı! 29 Eylül – 5 Ekim tarihleri arasında gerçekleşen etkinlikte, son dönemin en iddialı filmleri sinemaseverlerle buluştu. Sadece sinemanın değil, sinemaseverlerin de ayrı bir yeri olduğunu […]

YouTube is Getting Ready to Introduce Public Usernames Feature! Attention to Those Without a Custom URL!

YouTube is Getting Ready to Introduce Public Usernames Feature! Attention to Those Without a Custom URL!

YouTube creating a global impact On October 10th, YouTube announced that public usernames will soon be available to everyone. Public usernames are a new feature that allows content creators and other users to find and interact with each other. Although this new feature is not yet available on YouTube, let’s take a look at the […]

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Rəqəmsal dünyada baş verən son hadisələrdən xəbərdar olmaq üçün e-poçt bülletenimizə üzv ola bilərsiniz.